From the book:
Reproduction: Chapter 4, Section 1 and 2, pgs 90 - 101
Ecosystem: All Chapter 6, from Section 1 to Section 4, pgs 148-170
Resources: Chapter 7, from Section 1 to Section 3, pg 176 - 199

From the notebook:
All the Vocabularies of the second trimester and everything that is written in the notebook, including Section Wrap Ups.

Don't forget to update your notebooks, this is part of your final grade.

Trimester exams begin after Carnivals. Here is the study guide for Math:

  • Algebraic Expressions
  • Algebraic Equations, 2 Step Equations and Inequalities
  • Translating phrases into expressions, equations and inequalities
  • Polygons
  • Angles
  • Perimeter of figures
  • Area of rectangles, parallelograms, tringles, trapezoids, circles
  • Circumference of circles
  • Volume of rectangular prisms and cylinders
  • Problem solving

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With all my love to my 35 winners, I am very proud of all of you.

Mrs. Sandri

Students used several manipulatives to draw different examples of tesselations of polygons.
Hexagons, triangles, squares, dodecagons and octagons were arranged over a cardboard to build the tesselations.

Students chose an ecosystem to research. They found out about different plant and animal species that live there and their interactions.

With that information, they made a poster illustrating a food web found in the ecosystem they chose.

Forest, Desert and Ocean were some examples of ecosystems.




Queridos padres de familia:

Hemos cerrado esta semana el logro de "Mitología" el cual estaba basado en un enfoque teórico, relacionado con la información literaria y cultural procedente de las antiguas civilizaciones, Grecia, Roma y los grupos prehispánicos más sobresalientes. Así como en el desarrollo de habilidades de comprensión lectora en los niveles argumentativo, interpretativo y propositivo, al leer diferentes mitos, fábulas y leyendas. Iniciamos en esta segunda etapa con el logro correspondiente a la producción de textos argumentativos. Es conveniente que todo lo que los chicos han consignado y pegado en el cuaderno ,sea reforzado diariamente. El discurso de apertura debió ser entregado el viernes para su revisión y evaluación, así como se les solicitó. Deben llevar a clase esta semana el texto " Orfeo, Sísifo y Cía" para continuar con la lectura.

Por último, quiero felicitar a sus hijos por el interés y alto compromiso que demostraron con las evaluaciones de la semana pasada. Se esforzaron bastante y fue evidente. Me siento orgullosa!!!


Estudiantes y Padres de Familia:

Se acercan los Carnavales y en el Altamira desde ya estamos prestos a celebrar nuestra tradicional fiesta!!!.
La programación previa, a llevarse a cabo en el domo, en horario de lunch de cada sección, queda de la siguiente manera:
- Viernes 29 de enero: “Viernes de Reina y Lectura del bando”:
- Viernes 5 de febrero : “Viernes de Reina”

Para los “Viernes de reina “ los alumnos de Sexto A vendrán vestidos con jeans y camiseta naranja. Los reyes vienen vestidos de la misma manera y al momento del recreo se deben disfrazar.

El viernes 12 de febrero se realizará el Carnaval Altamira:
Horario: Desde las 7:00a.m. a 2:30p.m., en el polideportivo.
Cada grupo debe montar su coreografía. La música escogida debe ser informada para aprobación del Comité de Carnaval y con el fin de que no se repitan las canciones a presentar.

Adicionalemente, si tienen en sus casas decoración de carnaval que les sobre, favor enviarla para decorar el salón.


Mrs. Sandra

Some of the properties of polygons include tesselation, translation and reflection.
In this link there is a very interesting explanation and examples:

Practice lining up and reading a protractor while you measure a set of angles in this fun learning activity. The angles may range from 0° to 180°. The interactive protractor is already lined up with the vertex of each angle but you will have to rotate the protractor into proper position. The margin of error is only 1° and you must report measurement to the nearest whole number.

Find the missing angles, according to the angle sum of triangles and quadrilaterals:

Find the measurement of all the angles:

Haiti was hit on Tuesday by a massive earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, causing the collapse of buildings, including a hospital, and causing widespread panic.

It was the largest earthquake to hit the impoverished country, since 1984. The vibrations lasted for more than a minute and were felt in Cuba.
Already the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti has been hit by a series of disasters recently and was battered by hurricanes in 2008.
Seventy per cent of Haiti's population lives on less than two dollars per day and half of its 8.5 million people are unemployed.

For more information about this natural disaster visit the following link:

An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph. The magnitude of an earthquake ( Richter magnitude) is conventionally reported, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas.
At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacing the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.
In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event — whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans — that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter refers to the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter.
More information in the following link:

Alligators are raised commercially for their meat and skin, which is used for bags and shoes. They are notorious for their bone crushing bites and for million years they have been described as living fossils from the age of reptiles, having survived on Earth for 200 million years.
Melissa Cure and Camila Pico from 6B did a great exposition about this endangered specie. Congratulations, excellent job!!!!!

Practice the measurement of angles with your protractor by printing the following link:

Students used their kwowledge about food chains to create several food chains that lead to a hamburger in your plate!!!!!!!!!




The following are the dates, in which you are having your Science Quices and Chapter Test:

Thursday, January 21: Quiz Vocabulary No. 7 : Ecosystem, biotic, abiotic factors, etc
Friday, January 22: Quiz Vocabulary No. 8: Population, community, niche, habitat, decomposers, consumers, producers, etc.
Monday, January 25: Ecosystem and Interactions Chapter Test

Mrs. Sandri

Dear students:

Remember you are having your Algebra Chapter Test on Friday, January 15. Here is the study guide:

  • Evaluating expressions
  • Solving equations, 2 step equations and inequalities
  • Transalating phrases into expessions, equations and inequalities
Don´t forget to study the Test Review that you copied in your notebooks.

Good Luck!!!
Mrs. Sandri

Dear students, we have started Geometry, by identifying the different types of polygons and angles. In the link below you can practice how to identify the different types of angles:

Mrs. Sandri

Enero 13: Mitología Precolombina
Enero14: Mito: características clases.
Enero 15: Diferencias entre mito, leyenda y cuento.
Enero 19: Mitología Grecolatina
Enero 20: Mitología de las civilizaciones antiguas.

Ms. Tania

Enero 13: Mito: características clases.
Enero14: Mitología de las grandes civilizaciones
Enero 15: Mitología Grecolatina
Enero 18: Diferencias entre mito, leyenda y cuento.
Enero 20: Mitología Precolombina.

Ms. Tania

About this blog

Mathematics is a tool that all students, regardless of their career goals, will use throughout their lives. This blog provides opportunities for six graders to develop math skills while learning about the natural world.
Contents include practice worksheets, study guides for quices and exams, special assessments and homeworks and important information for parents and students about the school's activities.